The veterinary clinics in the immediate area have pooled their data to provide a list of the streets with positively identified Parvo cases. Some households have had multiple animals affected, some streets have had more than one household affected.
We are aware that there have been reports of Parvo cases on other streets, especially in the Warilla area; but as we have not been able to find the medical records of these patients to substantiate those reports, those streets have not been included in the tally below. The Tally records the real time pain, suffering, and 70% death rate of the current flare- up. The return of this horrendous disease to our area is real, is a current event and is not any half -man, half-beast made- up story.
If you have had an animal test positive for Parvo in our area in the last 8 weeks and you live on a street not included below, we are happy to add the information to the tally.
(Thank you to those who have updated us with Lindwall. Johnston St and Clematis Crescent. We have logged one dog from each of these 3 streets so far. If you are the owner of any other dog affected off these streets or any others, we would be appreciative if you could share that information with us)
Please note the age range of the dogs affected-from 11 weeks months to 13 years. There is an urban myth that old dogs are immune from Parvo. Parvo respects no age, no breed, and no area, it will take any unvaccinated dog of any age, at any time. The only weapon we have against it is full and regular vaccination which will completely protect the dog at ALL ages of their life.
Once Parvo is in a yard or house, it remains a risk in that property for a minimum of one year (some cases suggest longer, but a year is the minimum.) No new animals should be introduced to these properties for several months and then only 6 months or older age, adult fully vaccinated dogs should enter or be introduced to live in those properties.
As several of the affected houses are known rental properties, the risk remains that is the current tenants move, the next tenant’s animals are unknowingly at risk. It is a good rule of thumb that if you intended to move into a property, as either owner or tenant, your own pets should be up to date with their vaccinations at least TWO weeks before you move into the property.
There is no “one standard vaccination that fits all dogs” rule. The vaccinations your pet requires depends on where you live, the disease risk level, the age of your dog, the breed and the present health of your dog and the vaccine brand your vet chooses to use. What vaccine to use is a conversation each Owner needs to have with their own Vet. You cannot compare what a vet in perhaps Nowra uses with what a Vet in our area or in Sydney might use. The vaccines have to fit the animal, not the other way around, so please don’t compare what one vet does or doesn’t do.
Autumn Parvo Disease Outbreak Map and Log.
1) Affected Streets where Parvo cases have been positively identified on clinical signs and laboratory testing.
- Fisher St, Oak Flats
- Central Ave, Oak Flats
- Landy Drive, Mt Warrigal
- Linum Place, Barrack Heights
- Lendine St, Barrack Heights
- Kingsway, Barrack Heights
- Clematis Cres, Barrack Heights
- Johnston St, Warilla
- Lindwall St, Warilla
- Luarina Way, Albion Park
2) Age of dogs affected.
- 11 weeks (1)
- 14 weeks (1)
- 7 months (1)
- 8 months (2)
- 9 months (2)
- 11 months(1)
- 18months (3)
- 3 years (1)
- 5 years (3)
- 13 years (1)
3) 70% ( the majority) of the dogs above did not survive.
Questions & Answers
3)Info;We lost our 11 mth old to Parvo last month(Warilla).

Thank you to all the wonderful pet warriors who share our facebook post or this page. Thanks to you, Facebook has spread the virus of knowledge faster than the Parvo virus can spread. While great vaccines are our first weapon against this disease, it seems a new 21st weapon may also be Facebook helping map disease outbreaks locally and in real time. Our Illawarra model used here could be of use on other veterinary and human health outbreaks. On behalf of all the pets and nurses and vets you have helped save from dealing with the soul breaking disease that is any parvo cases that we may have prevented with your help-Our heartfelt thanks.