Change of Service Conditions at OFVET Clinic. Dear Clients. Sadly, we now have to keep the front door of the clinic shut across, even when we are working in-sight, inside the building when you arrive. We have now moved to do All communications by phone. That applies to even picking up your pet’s medications. This […]
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Ventilators no longer available for Vet Tick cases-Needed for Human Corona cases &
Vet Hospitals and Specialist Vet Centres often have ventilators for use in ill dogs for many reasons. In Australia, the ventilators are most often used for severe tick paralysis dog cases. We have now been asked in Australia to make our ventilators available to the human hospitals. So-Tick Prevention…if you never used it before on […]
Read MoreNon-essential Service Shut-down.
Non-essential Service Shut-down. As yet, we don’t know if any or all vet set-ups will be shut down and to what degree, so we don’t know where OF Vet Clinic sits in the ruling. Any appts booked this week for young puppies or other dogs/cats with illness etc will be brought forward to Monday/Tuesday. Our […]
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Covid 19 and Dogs Update: Saturday 21st March
Dogs and Covid 19 Update. The current belief is that dogs are not actively infected. However, infected owners can contaminate dogs the infected person handles and touches. That pet could potentially, then act as a source of contact infection for others. Therefore: Observe good hygiene around your pet. Wash hands etc. Try to minimise having […]
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Tuesday 17th March COVID Updates.
Tuesday 17th March COVID Updates. Due to increasing shortages & rationing of medical items Vets share with the Human medical profession, we now have to implement new procedures from Today. 1)Elective non-urgent surgeries; New bookings for most of these suspended so we can reserve our supplies for emergency operations. 2)The FRONT DOOR IS […]
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Dear Clients. We are asking you to help us remain open to provide health care for all your pets. If you yourself are unwell but need to have your pet seen urgently, Please alert the staff when you ring. We will see your animal but need to take some extra sensible precautions. We will ask […]
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Pet Medications & Food Supply Updates
‘House-Keeping’ Updates The current shortage of some animal pain or arthritis medications is Not related to Corona virus issues. If, however your pet cannot use the generic forms of these medications, please contact your vet to ensure they can set aside the patented version of your animal’s medication whilst they still have supplies. There is […]
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