Dogs on Car window sills or on a Driver’s Lap: Not a Good Idea. Several of our clients have received some Huge fines from the local police from the owner having their pet on their lap whilst driving. The Law dates back several years but it seems folks have forgotten so the police are busy […]
SEIZURES/FITS. Please Do NOT wrap-up an animal either having a ‘fit’ or recovering from a ‘fit. Many of the complications of having a seizure are related to the patient overheating from the excessive muscle activity. Allow the pet to recover from the episode, contact your vet and make arrangements to have your pet seen if […]
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Snakes, Ticks and Bees. First the changing pattern of Snake & Tick bites in our immediate area. Normally the Oak Flats general area has been low risk for actual cases of Tick or for Snake-bite related health issues in our pets. Whilst Historically Shell Cove has been a natural area for Red bellies etc and […]
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