Buyer Beware! We have had a series of pups brought into us where the owners have paid Full Price of what they thought was a healthy puppy, only to find out that the pup has a major life-impacting defect in the form of a misshapen jaw. In one instance, an elderly pensioner was charged $1500 by […]
Read MoreWhy Healthy Animals don’t need dietary supplements or special foods.
Why Healthy Animals don’t need dietary supplements nor special foods such as Grain-free diets. PROBIOTICS-THE STING IN THE TAIL. Let’s get some ‘given’s out of the way first: The unwell, ill-thrift allergic pet does need special dietary considerations and restrictions. However, the same does Not hold truly for a well, normal pet; when we add […]
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A Nice Moment
It goes without saying that we truly appreciate every card, or thoughtful spoken ‘thank-you’, or any gift that members of our clinic vet family take the time to bestow upon any or all of us, here at Oak Flats Vet Clinic. We don’t normally share these events on Facebook etc but after a long day […]
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Noise,Thunder, Firework Fear in Pets.
A Guide to Assist in the Management of Noise Fears. 1) Den: Prepare a den for the dog before the expected event. Research shows that animals tend to run away from danger. You need to provide an area within your property boundaries that can attract the pet to seek it out rather than try to madly […]
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